Jess Glenny

Jess Glenny is a YTT-registered Elder Yoga Teacher and an IAYT-registered Yoga Therapist. She has been practising yoga since 1981 and teaching since 2003, and is a Mysore-style ashtanga vinyasa teacher and a still yoga teacher, as well as a mentor to yoga teachers and therapists. Jess has specialisms in hypermobility and complex trauma, and these days spends most of her professional life working one-to-one as a yoga and somatic movement therapist with people with CPTSD. Jess is also a life-long dancer and is an ICMTA-registered conscious dance teacher and a Registered Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist. She is the author of The Yoga Teacher Mentor: A Reflective Guide to Holding Spaces, Maintaining Boundaries, and Creating Inclusive Classes, Hypermobility on the Yoga Mat: A Guide to Hypermobility-Aware Teaching and Practice, and Ravelled Up: A Journey Into Embodiment. She is Autistic and welcomes neurodivergent students and clients. To find out more, visit

Jess Glenny