Norman Blair has been practising yoga since the early 1990s and started teaching in 2001. He believes that yoga is accessible to all of us and that through regular practice, we can experience profound changes in our mind and body. He is one of the most experienced yin yoga teachers in the UK and weaves this wonderful practice with his own background of Ashtanga and meditation to create a potent mix. He has been a long-term student with teachers such as Sarah Powers, Hamish Hendry, Judith Lasater and Alaric Newcombe.

Yogacampus runs a range of Yin Yoga Teacher Training courses every year.

To be the first to find out about all things Yin Yoga at Yogacampus please sign up to our YIN MAILING LIST HERE. As a thank you, you will receive a short Yin practice with Norman taken from a Yin Yoga Teacher Training Taster Event.

What will you learn on a Yogacampus Yin Yoga Teacher Training

We will explore the possibilities and examine the potentials of this practice.

The intention of the yogacampus Yin Yoga Teacher Training course is to equip students with the skills needed to teach Yin yoga classes.

We will embed ourselves in the practice:

+ Looking at the postures, discussing variations and learning teaching skills

+ Investigating the postures, studying examples of sequencing and focusing plenty of time on evaluating our own experience

+ Central themes covered by Norman will include awareness, intention, attending to the individuality of anatomy: each of us having our own unique biology, and our own unique biography.

+ You will learn and experience sequences that can deepen inner quietening, that can open the hips and other emotional centres of the body, and that can encourage self-reflection

+ Explore the relationship between Yin yoga and meditation

+ Understand the precautions and the possibilities of Yin yoga

+ Learn about meridians and how Yin yoga might influence energy flows

+ Examine the differences between Yin yoga, Restorative yoga and dynamic yoga

+ Learn how to do Yin yoga in different ways (with props, without props and more)

+ Study the history of Yin yoga

+ Examine some of the theories behind Yin yoga