Yoga & Somatics for Healing & Recovery in-person workshops: London 2025

Skylight Centre, London

These workshops have been designed as an explorative journey for yoga teachers, yoga therapists and others to delve into how a compassionate and subtly attentive relationship with their bodies, practice and teaching can help address these commonly seen dis-ease states. This may be as a route to unravelling their own states and/or supporting those in students.

Somatics for Healing Charlotte Watts


This in-person workshop is part of a series that can be taken as a stand alone workshop or to support full certification in Yoga & Somatics for Healing and Recovery.

You have the option to gain full certification in Yoga & Somatics for Healing & Recovery, by attending these 4 days of workshop plus the Live Online component. You can choose the order and location of different parts of the course which work for you to make up the 100 hours. Book the full 100-hour CPD course for bundle discount of £680 by emailing, stating your choice of location for the workshops.

Workshop Details


Grounding, Orientation, and Agency (Saturday 24th May 2025, 10:00 to 17:00)

In this day we will experientially explore different ways we can access and bring to practice, these key foundational guides into presence and safety. This is particularly important for those with chronic stress, trauma, anxiety and pain. We will cover how to guide these skills of drawing people kindly back to their present moment experience and needs.

Observing and Responding to Needs (Sunday 25th May 2025, 10:00 to 17:00)

In this day we will bring to life how we recognise signs of need through body signs and responses. This can highlight our habits of pushing into our bodies and letting the head run the show. This is where imposing our will towards goal-orientation or fixing can run roughshod over deeper body feelings and needs. Stepping back to feel – rather than thinking – our way through a physical practice can bring us back to the healing of whole.


The Language of Embodied Awareness (Saturday 28th June 2025, 10:00 to 17:00)

In this day we experience the real reception of our internal and external languaging on all aspects of our being. When many messages in the modern world are of a critical, punishing and judgmental nature, there is ever more need for our yoga teaching language to be invitational, compassionate and easeful. We will feel out our responses to instructions that are insistent and willful, countering these to find our own authentic voices of speaking to bodies and minds with kindness.

Resourcing Yourself to Support Others (Sunday 29th June 2025, 10:00 to 17:00)

In this day we acknowledge and meet the tendencies of compassion fatigue in those who give to others. Turning our kind attention inwards, we can recognise our deep need to have our survival needs met, before we can have any access to growth or self-actualisation. Recognising that co-regulation with students is part of teaching yoga, we explore how we can offer this without depleting our own resources. Also how our own boundaries allow us to support others on many levels.

What will be covered

This workshop will comprise practice, discussion and group/diad exercises – you will be directed to relevant material to reflect on before each session.

Who are these workshops for?

Whilst primarily aimed at yoga teachers and therapists, they are also open to experienced practitioners who wish to explore this area in more depth.


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Yogacampus Diversity and Accessibility Bursary

For the 100-hour course bundle, we are offering one bursary (50% off the full course price) to a dedicated yoga student with a demonstrated financial need and active involvement in a community that could benefit from yoga. This bursary is provided by Yogacampus – The Life Centre Education, a not-for-profit educational body committed to sharing knowledge and making yoga accessible to all.

Bursary places will be awarded to a teacher or trainee who has the ability and commitment to take the course teachings into a disadvantaged community and play their part in the drive to increase accessibility to these profoundly healing practices. Priority will be given to those who themselves are from marginalised or vulnerable groups or are from a minority ethnic background.

To apply, please complete our online form before the closing date of 8 December 2024. Notification of bursary outcome will be sent out the following week.

Meet the Teacher

Charlotte attended her first yoga class in 1996 and immediately knew that it would be a large part of the route to overcoming her stress-related issues. She trained at the Vajrasati Yoga School in Brighton (500 hour Yoga Alliance training) founded by Jim Tarran who is influenced by Buddhism and brought a natural mindfulness aspect to practising yoga. This was the beginning of a relationship with yoga focusing on taking time and finding space to feel subtleties of the experience, energetics and responses within the practice and create full body awareness within postures.

Charlotte is an author with many published books, including Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health (Singing Dragon 2018), Good Mood Food (Nourish 2018) and The De-Stress Effect (2015). She is also an award-winning nutritionist, practising since 2000 and specialising in stress-related and fatigue conditions and burnout, and digestive issues.

Charlotte teaches classes in Brighton and London, workshops, UK yoga weekends and retreats abroad. She also runs courses and retreats specifically for yoga teachers to attend to their own self-care so they have the resources to support others.

She is assisted by Leonie Taylor (500 RYT).

Charlotte Watts Portrait

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